Publishing Opportunity: Hookline Books

Happy Friday once again. Today I want to tell you about a unique publishing opportunity through Hookline Books. I owe this tip to my program’s director, Dilys Rose. This chance is for students and graduates of M.A. creative writing courses.

Before I describe this opportunity in-depth, I have to make one thing perfectly clear: Hookline Books only accepts one manuscript submission per writer per year. They use this limit to ensure that people submit only their best work without having to implement a deadline or submission fee.

Here’s what happens:

  1. You submit the first free chapters of your book and a brief synopsis.
  2. Hookline Books assigns your submission to book groups to read and features it on the “Discover New Authors” page.
  3. If readers like it, Hookline Books will ask for the entire manuscript.
  4. This next part I’m going to quote directly from their site so as to not misquote them:
    • “Writers who receive a thumbs up will be offered an ebook contract. Those who receive a resounding thumbs up will have their work published in paperback and ebook format.”

There’s no deadline, no submission fee. As long as you remember that you can only submit once per year and give them your best work, you’ll have a shot at getting published. If nothing else, it’s great practice for submitting your work and word about your book can reach a wider audience.

I know it may not seem fair that this contest is specifically for students and graduates of Master’s in Creative Writing programs. Hookline Books does this because these writers have put a lot of time and money into improving their craft. The publisher just wants to give these new writers a chance.

Don’t worry. There are a lot of contests available for people who aren’t in Master’s programs. Check out my blog post on this Writer’s Digest contest for another publishing opportunity.

Good luck on this and all your endeavors!


Designed by Stephanie Hoogstad circa 2011

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