NaNoWriMo 2018 Announcement

Good morning, everyone! October is almost over. You know what that means? Time to start getting ready for National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo) 2018! This year, I have a special announcement: I have committed to participating in NaNoWriMo.

I have contemplated participating in NaNoWriMo since I was in high school. Until this year, I decided to avoid it because life always seems to put up obstacles that make writing 50,000 words in a month impossible for me. The problem has become that this time crunch no longer applies to just the month of November–it’s a year-round issue now. With my creative writing dissertation due this year, I cannot use a lack of time as an excuse anymore. After all, if I don’t have a good portfolio to turn in at the end of the school year, I won’t get the master’s degree I’ve invested three years and thousands of dollars to get.

Image retrieved from Whim Online Magazine

I hope that NaNoWriMo will be another way to force myself to just sit down and write. I agonize over deadlines so, while my psyche might be permanently damaged from the stress, if I have a deadline like writing a novel in a month, at least I’ll get some writing done. Besides, who doesn’t like a little ego boost when this sort of accomplishment is actually recognized, even when it’s with something as small as a digital badge?

This announcement really has two purposes:

  1.  Force myself to really commit to NaNoWriMo rather than just give myself lip-service;
  2. Let other NaNoWriMo participants know that I’m available to connect with and provide support and encouragement.

Writers are like wolves; there’s a misconception that our “lone wolf” state is our prominent–or only–state but in truth, we long for the support and company of our fellow pack members. At least, that’s how most of us are when we aren’t currently creating more quickly than we can type. For that reason, I wanted to use this announcement to let all NaNoWriMo participants know that I am open to connecting with new writing buddies on the NaNoWriMo official website. Just look me up through my username, dragonet07.

That’s all I can really say on the matter until NaNoWriMo officially starts in November. When it does, I’ll try my best to keep you updated on my progress and provide any tips I have based on what I experience this year. Until then, thank you for listening to my rambling morning announcement, and I look forward to seeing you on the NaNoWriMo site!

Are any of my readers planning to participate in NaNoWriMo in November? If so, let everyone know in the comments below and leave your username so we can connect and support each other through this experience!

Designed by Stephanie Hoogstad circa 2011

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